We know that every individual has a different security need. Whether it be monitoring the temperature in a vacation property or being aware of an elderly relatives current state, we will work with you to find the security solutions that fit your demands and your budget.
Who says you can't be everywhere at once? Our next-generation video capabilities let you see, hear, and in some cases, speak from anywhere, any time on any mobile device. These features are perfect for parents who need to stay in touch with kids, pet owners who need to keep an eye on Rufus, or even staying in touch with an elderly relative.
We have an on call technician available after regular office hours 365 days a year. Voicemail messages will be forwarded to a technician who will return your call as soon as possible. For service call (218) 828-4828 or toll free (800) 735-1440. Know how much time you have after you arm your system to leave and to disarm your system when you come in.
Like millions of other alarm system owners, you may have a 3G cellular communicator installed as an integral part of your alarm system. We need to inform you that due to the cellular industry updates, your cellular communicator needs to be upgraded to a 4G/LTE unit in the very near future. AT&T and Verizon provide the cellular service that sends your alarm signals to the monitoring station.
Reviews (1)
Jim & Darlene Stigen
May 26, 2021