Specializing in Assessment and Installation of Surveillance Systems for Retail, Commercial, Publics Utility and Industrial Properties. Serving the greater Sacramento are since since since 2005. Still serving an ever growing customer base in 2022 despite what some websites may report. We install advanced video surveillance systems. We do not build a fancy website nor do we advertise other than this basic website.
At Watchdogs Surveillance we can upgrade or expand your current system using existing infrastructure, work with your subcontractors or install a turnkey system with cellular internet if needed.
At Watchdogs Surveillance we can upgrade or expand your current system using existing infrastructure, work with your subcontractors or install a turnkey system with cellular internet if needed.
Watchdogs Surveillance is based in Folsom California (Sacramento area) and is family owned and operated. We serve customers and not investors. By taking every effort to lower our overhead, we are typically able to install systems at a much lower cost than our competition. The lower cost in no way reflects lower quality.
Please be detailed in your voicemail, 'clever' sale calls pretending to be potential customs will not be returned :- We are aware that our auto warranty may expire soon, thank you, no need to leave a voicemail. Sean, if you are calling us "back" about 'that' loan, no need to leave a voicemail. Existing customers, please text or call your contact's cell phone for an immediate response.

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