his business. He first purchased a surveillance system from one of the big box stores and installed it himself along with a couple of employees. This system lasted just a few months and was not able to store any video footage that would aid in capturing a thief in the act. He then looked for a professional surveillance systems company, only to find the lack of one that offered the quality products/service he was searching for.
He did however settle for a system that allowed internet access but was not sufficient enough to capture an image clear enough to enable him to secure a positive identification on suspects. More money down the drain! After doing a lot of homework he found a few systems that were known, respected and used around the world, Nuvico, Pelco and Digital Watchdog. Savage decided to become a dealer for Nuvico, Pelco and Digital Watchdog products to help businesses like his not make the same mistakes he made. Fortunately he knew of an experienced electrician that was not only state licensed but also state rated to do the installations of the surveillance systems. Savage also partnered with an established communication installer to provide prompt, effecient and cost savings services.
In 2010 Rick Spilker joined our staff. Rick provides several years of surveillance, point of sale, alarm and time and attendance experience from owning and operating his own business. Later that year we began offering Biometrics, which is a time and attendance system that requires a fingerprint to clock in and out, eliminating time theft. In January 2011 Savage Surveillance Systems added a line of GPS tracking units for fleet, finance and individual vehicles. In March of 2011 we will be selling, installing and monitoring fire and burglar alarms for commercial and residential buildings.

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